i ain't even say nothing
I make music and try to get people to slide on them. I love music. I'm tryna make music a career. new yorker btw. i saw a bird holding a rat by its tongue and fly away.
Chill Guy
Point Nemo
Joined on 8/22/24
@Antilurid yea. They think you insulted a girl so this Roblox game has so many rules. I can show you it on YouTube “list of things you are not allowed” if you want
go ahead
@Antilurid here you go. Words that get you banned: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HSApZNjR7hs&pp=ygUkcm9ibG94IHdvcmRzIHRoYXQgY2FuIGdldCB5b3UgYmFubmVk
ion think you get the joke tho, go lower on the image
@Antilurid sorry I don’t understand what you meant.
look below the first reason
Wow. They really went strict on women rights